Why Should Business Leaders Care about Bentonville? - Bentonville Economic Development
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On this week’s episode of the Bentonville Beacon Podcast, host James Bell sits down with Nicole Dougan, Store Manager of Strider Bikes’ sole retail location. In 2018, Nicole and her family moved to Northwest Arkansas from Central Missouri in search of a home that better fit their outdoor-centric lifestyle. James and Nicole discuss all things Strider, why Nicole’s family chose NWA, and why outdoor recreation business leaders need to have a presence in Bentonville.

Thanks for tuning in!

Show Notes:
(0:21) Introducing Nicole Dougan and Strider Bikes
(3:57) Who’s shopping at Strider?  
(7:20) Revitalizing Downtown Bentonville
(9:11) The Strider Cup and Adventure-cross
(12:20) Nicole’s NWA Origin Story
(15:08) Why Should Business Leaders Care about Bentonville?
(21:05) What’s Next for Strider in Bentonville?
(22:14) Closing Thoughts and Choosing Your Superpower

“Even though we [biked and kayaked] a lot back in Missouri, it was always a day—it was a feat to load up and go get enough miles in or to go float. Whereas now, we live in Bella Vista and can be on the river in 10 minutes, and you know, the Back 40 [mountain bike trail] is in our backyard, and I can ride my bike to work now.” (14:30) – Nicole Dougan

“I think Bentonville is so unique in that—first of all—the infrastructure’s there, so that’s the obvious [thing].” (15:16) – Nicole Dougan

“To come here and be able to work, make a decent living, have great jobs, have access, and still be able to have that family balance is really unique to anywhere I’ve seen. And so not only can you offer your business a great location and support from the community, but you can also offer your employees so much by being here.” (15:56) – Nicole Dougan

“We talk about being here and having access to things, but being here, people have access to you because it really is very centrally located and easy to get to.” (17:05) – Nicole Dougan

On this week’s episode of the Bentonville Beacon Podcast, host James Bell sits down with Nicole Dougan, Store Manager of Strider Bikes’ sole retail location. In 2018, Nicole and her family moved to Northwest Arkansas from Central Missouri in search of a home that better fit their outdoor-centric lifestyle. James and Nicole discuss all things Strider, why Nicole’s family chose NWA, and why outdoor recreation business leaders need to have a presence in Bentonville.

Strider Bikes
Teaching your child to ride a bike is a special moment for parents, but it is undoubtedly a challenging task. Strider makes it easy. The brand is committed to building high-quality bikes that teach kids to ride at a young age. Rather than utilizing traditional training wheels, Strider builds bikes that use foot propulsion, encouraging kids to learn balance from the beginning.

“I think Bentonville is so unique in that—first of all—the infrastructure’s there, so that’s the obvious [thing].” (15:16) – Nicole Dougan

Based in South Dakota, Strider chose to open its first and only retail location in Downtown Bentonville. Ultimately, the decision came down to Bentonville’s strong support of the biking community. As the mountain biking capital of the world, Bentonville was an obvious choice for a brand that is passionate about growing young, aspiring cyclists.

“We talk about being here and having access to things, but being here, people have access to you because it really is very centrally located and easy to get to.” (17:05) – Nicole Dougan

Why Bentonville?
The allure of Bentonville for Strider is palpable, but Bentonville’s support and infrastructure expand far beyond the mountain biking community. Road cyclists, campers, rock climbers, kayakers, and many more outdoor enthusiasts have found a suitable home in Bentonville. The NWA region is home to nearly every outdoor activity that doesn’t rely on snow or the ocean, making it an ideal home for anyone who enjoys spending time outdoors.

Even though we [biked and kayaked] a lot back in Missouri, it was always a day—it was a feat to load up and go get enough miles in or to go float. Whereas now, we live in Bella Vista and can be on the river in 10 minutes, and you know, the Back 40 [mountain bike trail] is in our backyard, and I can ride my bike to work now.” (14:30) – Nicole Dougan  

Upcoming Events
On June 18th, Strider Bikes will be hosting the Strider Cup and Strider Adventure-Cross on the square in Downtown Bentonville. The Strider Cup races involve children ages 2–4 riding their Strider 12” bikes around a track. In the Strider Adventure-Cross races, 4–7-year-olds race on foot and their Strider 14” bikes, both in balance and pedal modes. For more information on the races and registration, CLICK HERE.

The event will follow the Farmer’s Market on the afternoon of June 18th and is free to all spectators. We hope to see you there!

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Thanks for tuning into this episode of the Bentonville Beacon podcast! Join us weekly for more stories from entrepreneurs who are making a positive impact on Bentonville’s culture, community, and lifestyle!

Are you interested in learning more about Bentonville and the growth of its outdoor recreation community? Check out the BENTONVILLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WEBSITE.

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