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On this episode of The Bentonville Beacon, host James Bell sat down with Bonnie Adams, founder and CEO of Swim OZ and Joys of Swimming. Bonnie is a former Razorback swimmer, and she continues to rank highly in the U.S. Masters Swimming Championships. James and Bonnie discussed why swimming is an integral part of fitness and recreation, as well as why it’s an important aspect of Bentonville’s outdoor lifestyle and business culture. Lastly, the pair explained how you can get involved with upcoming swim events in Northwest Arkansas!

Show Notes:
(0:53) Introducing Bonnie Adams
(7:25) Introduction to Swim OZ and Joys of Swimming
(12:35) Plugging the Upcoming Walmart OZ Mile Swim Race
(13:56) How to Prepare for an Open Water Swim
(20:25) The Importance of All-Over Fitness in Training
(27:15) Why Bentonville?
(30:47) How Everyone Can Capitalize on Bentonville Outdoors
(36:06) Bonnie’s #BecauseBentonville Story
(46:21) Superpowers and Closing Thoughts


“It’s a wonderful thing to be able to learn to swim. It’s a life skill. I firmly believe that everyone should know how to swim.” Bonnie Adams, (8:02)

It’s 100% on all of it. It’s one thing to condition your body for swimming, or for running, [or] we’ve got a ton of cyclists in the area, so cycling…We want you to ride your bike. We want you to swim. We want you to run. But we want you to do other disciplines as well…It’s going to allow you to have a cross-benefit that you’re only going to get when you’re doing something else as well.” Bonnie Adams, (20:25)

“I went from being the big fish in a little pond [in other places in the US] to being the small fish in the ocean [in NWA]. And there’s so much of that, that translates into what Northwest Arkansas is, from not just a swimming standpoint, but from a recreational standpoint, from a business standpoint…The caliber of person that lives here, is moving here, is astounding.” Bonnie Adams, (25:24)

“It’s moments where different parts [of Bentonville outdoor recreation] can intersect and expose you to seeing something for the first time in a different way that you kind of forget about unless you’re in this area.” Bonnie Adams, (39:30)

Swimming in the Land of OZ with Bonnie Adams of SWIM OZ
Bonnie Adams has a great number of titles, certifications, and trophies to her name, and she is proud to use those accolades not just to make a living, but to live out her passion for swimming and outdoor sports. As a lifelong swimmer, she firmly believes in passing on this evergreen pastime to future generations through her swim school, Joys of Swimming. More recently, she has been opening up opportunities for her students and fellow swimmers to compete and take their skills out of the aquatic classroom through her open water swim initiative, Swim OZ.
“It’s a wonderful thing to be able to learn to swim. It’s a life skill. I firmly believe that everyone should know how to swim.” Bonnie Adams, (8:02)
As a member of the first ever Bentonville High School State Championship-winning swim team, as well as a Division I swimmer, Bonnie is quite experienced at including multiple disciplines into fitness routines. This is why Bentonville’s outdoor recreational culture cannot be matched. It allows for every enthusiast to have easy access to outdoor sporting, as well as a welcoming environment to forge connections with other athletes along the way. 
It’s 100% on all of it. It’s one thing to condition your body for swimming, or for running, [or] we’ve got a ton of cyclists in the area, so cycling…We want you to ride your bike. We want you to swim. We want you to run. But we want you to do other disciplines as well…It’s going to allow you to have a cross-benefit that you’re only going to get when you’re doing something else as well.” Bonnie Adams, (20:25)

Why Bentonville?
“I went from being the big fish in a little pond [in other places in the US] to being the small fish in the ocean [in NWA]. And there’s so much of that, that translates into what Northwest Arkansas is, from not just a swimming standpoint, but from a recreational standpoint, from a business standpoint…The caliber of person that lives here, is moving here, is astounding.” Bonnie Adams, (25:24) 
The area has seen more and more Northwest Arkansas natives and college graduates choose to stick around instead of moving away, as the custom has been for many years. With the rapid growth in opportunities both in business and in lifestyle, many are joining Bonnie in moving back to Bentonville and taking advantage of all the area has to offer. Bonnie is also echoing the masses in begging that the area stay friendly and fun as it expands in size and opportunity.
“It’s moments where different parts [of Bentonville outdoor recreation] can intersect and expose you to seeing something for the first time in a different way that you kind of forget about unless you’re in this area.” Bonnie Adams, (39:30)
As Bonnie prepares for the upcoming Walmart OZ Mile Swim in September, she is certainly  ready for expansion in the swim community, but also in the Bentonville outdoor recreational community as a whole. She is excited for everyone to get involved, and the Mile Swim is a great place to start by volunteering to kayak or paddle board and help keep swimmers safe, sharing about the event on social media, and most of all, to just come out and show support! Bentonville is eager to see businesses and athletes alike continue to capitalize on Bentonville so they can have their own #BecauseBentonville stories to share.
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Thanks for tuning in to this episode of The Bentonville Beacon! Join us weekly for more stories from entrepreneurs and business leaders who are making a positive impact on Bentonville’s culture, community, and lifestyle. Don’t forget, Bentonville is a place where you can have more of what you want and less of what you don’t!Are you interested in learning more about Bentonville and the growth of its outdoor recreation community?

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